
The Jinhui Mining Party committee was established in December 2014, and had four Party branches: organ, technology, general and mining. Currently there are 112 Party members and 232 Party activists. The Jinhui Mining Party committee has taken Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a guide to thoroughly implement the Party’s principles and policies into all aspects of enterprise development, in accordance with the goal of building a world-class green mine and a national first-class enterprise of the non-public Party building, established a train of thought that focuses on Party construction through development and promotes development through Party construction, and constantly explored the entry point of enterprise development and non-public economy Party building, transformed the Party’s political advantage and vitality into the development advantage and vitality of the enterprise, thus realizing the win-win situation of the company increases revenue, employee gets benefits, society receives public benefit, ecology is better, Party building has promotion. It has been awarded as the city’s advanced basic Party organization and the provincial pioneer of building a well-off society.



The Party-masses diagram

Carry out the Party spirit education and become qualified members. 


The 720 angle image of the Party members center(click the image to enter

Mutual sharing and melting—New exploration of the Jinhui Mining Party building work

(click to see)



Demonstration point of party building

Longnan City advanced grass-roots party organization

